Domestic Violence Defense Lawyers in Waukesha County

New Berlin Attorneys for Clients Charged With Violence Against Family Members
Despite decades of awareness efforts and educational campaigns, domestic violence continues to be a serious problem for many thousands of families throughout the country, including many right here in southeastern Wisconsin. The issue of domestic violence is one that often blurs the line between family matters and criminal law. Accusations made during the heat of a marital or household dispute could lead to an arrest and criminal charges if the police are called. Political and social pressure, especially in recent years, has placed law enforcement officers in an unenviable position of having to worry about being "better safe than sorry." This means that if the police come to your home on a domestic violence call, there is a chance that you will be arrested, even if you did nothing wrong. Fortunately, the experienced attorneys at Bucher, Wolff & Sonderhouse, LLP are committed to helping you protect your good name and safeguarding your rights throughout the criminal justice process.
Reliable Counsel for Domestic Violence Charges in Menomonee Falls and Delafield
Under Wisconsin law, a person commits an act of domestic abuse when he or she engages in certain behaviors against a current or former spouse, current or former household member, or someone with whom the person has a child in common. These behaviors include:
- Intentionally inflicting physical injury, physical pain, or illness;
- Intentionally impairing a physical condition; and
- Sexual assault, including forcible rape and any other unwanted sexual contact.
Any act that causes the victim to fear imminent engagement in these behaviors is also considered an act of domestic abuse.
Unlike many other states, Wisconsin law does not provide for distinct criminal charges related to domestic abuse. Instead, each of the behaviors that constitute domestic violence can be charged under the broader offenses of disorderly conduct, battery and sexual assault. Charges can range from Class A misdemeanors up to Class B felonies, depending on the circumstances.
Wisconsin Lawyers for the Falsely Accused
Matters related to family relationships and children are often intensely personal and highly emotional. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for angry partners to make exaggerated claims of domestic abuse out of spite or to gain leverage in a bitter divorce. However, once an allegation is made, it is often too late for the accusing party to calm down and retract his or her claim. Because the allegations are related to domestic violence, prosecutors may continue to pursue the case, even if your partner does not wish to press charges. A district attorney could mistake the accuser's refusal to cooperate as an indicator of fear when the truth is that the allegations were baseless from the beginning.
At Bucher, Wolff & Sonderhouse, LLP, we realize that domestic violence cases are often complicated and may have consequences that could affect your family for many years to come. In addition to the possibility of criminal penalties that could include jail time and hefty fines, you could also be prohibited from seeing or contacting your loved ones for long periods of time, as well as the loss of your right to possess a firearm. Your rights regarding your children could also be affected. With all of this in mind, our attorneys are dedicated to helping you avoid a conviction and to protecting your rights, your best interests, and your future.
Put Our Experience on Your Side
To learn more about our firm and how we can help you defend against allegations of domestic violence, contact our office. Call 262-232-6699 for a free consultation and case review today. With more than 40 years of combined experience, our attorneys serve clients in Waukesha, New Berlin, Muskego, Brookfield, Pewaukee, Delafield, Oconomowoc, Menomonee Falls, Milwaukee, Waukesha County, Milwaukee County, and the surrounding areas.