Waukesha County Attorneys with the Financial Skills to Handle High Asset Divorces

Divorce Lawyers for Cases Involving Businesses, Investments and Real Estate in Brookfield, New Berlin and Oconomowoc
When substantial assets are involved in a Wisconsin divorce, concerns over finances and assets can lead to contentious disputes. When a couple has jointly accumulated significant assets during the course of the marriage, dividing assets and liabilities can be complicated. When one spouse came into the marriage with more wealth, the legal analysis is highly complex. High net worth divorces require a comprehensive review of all assets and debts. The high-asset divorce attorneys at Bucher, Wolff & Sonderhouse, LLP, in Waukesha have the financial acumen and legal skills to protect your rights.
Thorough Investigation To Protect Financial Interests In High Net Worth Divorces
As a community property state, Wisconsin law starts from the perspective that property will be divided equally. The courts presume that the property of each spouse is part of the marital estate. Disputes may involve heated arguments over inheritances, gifts to one spouse and property owned by one spouse prior to the marriage. While Wisconsin law recognizes that some assets may be the separate property of one spouse, assets that have been commingled with marital assets may lose their status as separate property. We thoroughly review the fine details to safeguard the financial interests of our clients.
We are well-versed in analyzing the complex considerations associated with property division in high-asset divorce cases, including:
- Tracing investments, accounts and financial records to locate any potential hidden assets
- Evaluating the fair market value of investment portfolios, including stocks, bonds, and complex private investment holdings
- Determining proper real estate valuations — All property holdings require attention including any vacation properties, cabins, and real estate investment holdings
- Analyzing business holdings to determine the extent of a spouse's interest, as well as a fair and just business valuation
- Crafting practical solutions to address the division of a family business owned by both divorcing spouses
- Managing financial disclosure requirements and ensuring that your spouse has provided disclosure
- Evaluating deferred compensation packages, pensions, 401(k)s and retirement benefits
- Advising clients about potential tax implications that may dilute the true worth of an investment if liquidated
We strive to provide creative solutions to resolve contentious disputes amicably, when possible, to keep the emotional and financial costs of litigation down. However, we will not hesitate to stand strong in court to protect your rights. We know when to bring in forensic accountants, business evaluators or other financial professionals to present evidence to build a solid case.
Turn to a Skilled Lawyer to Protect What You Have Earned
Clients who turn to Bucher, Wolff & Sonderhouse, LLP, benefit from our commitment to excellence in all we do. To request a free consultation with a lawyer who will provide the focused, practical guidance and goal-oriented representation you need, please call 262-232-6699 or send us an email. We serve clients in Waukesha, Pewaukee, Brookfield and the surrounding communities of southeastern Wisconsin.