Free Consultations | Available 24 / 7
711 W. Moreland Blvd. Suite 100
Waukesha, WI 53188
Why Hire Us
Peter M. Wolff
Ronald J. Sonderhouse
Breanne M. Bucher
Abigail J. Broze
Brandon K. Carlson
Practice Areas
Criminal Defense
Drug Charges
Manufacture, Distribution & Delivery
Juvenile Offenses & School Law
Retail Theft & Shoplifting
Identity Theft
Violent Crimes
Domestic Violence
Guns & Weapons Charges
Disorderly Conduct
Stalking & Harassment
Traffic Offenses
Drivers License Reinstatement
Drunk Driving
Family Law & Divorce
Child Support
Spousal Maintenance
Child Custody
High Asset Divorce
High Conflict Divorce
Property Division
Post-Judgment Modifications & Enforcement
Case Results
Map & Directions
Call Us
Why Hire Us
Peter M. Wolff
Ronald J. Sonderhouse
Breanne M. Bucher
Abigail J. Broze
Brandon K. Carlson
Practice Areas
Criminal Defense
Drug Charges
Manufacture, Distribution & Delivery
Juvenile Offenses & School Law
Retail Theft & Shoplifting
Identity Theft
Violent Crimes
Domestic Violence
Guns & Weapons Charges
Disorderly Conduct
Stalking & Harassment
Traffic Offenses
Drivers License Reinstatement
Drunk Driving
Family Law & Divorce
Child Support
Spousal Maintenance
Child Custody
High Asset Divorce
High Conflict Divorce
Property Division
Post-Judgment Modifications & Enforcement
Case Results
Ignition Interlock Devices becoming more common
Traveling to Canada with an OWI Conviction
First OWI in Milwaukee: More Important than You Realize
What to Do When Charged with Operating While Intoxicated in Wisconsin
Words Alone Won't Keep You Out of Jail
Hazardous Winter Driving in Wisconsin
Waukesha Criminal Defense Lawyers Help You Fight Severe Consequences of Multiple DUIs
Do You Know the Basics of Criminal Law Services?
3 Reasons You Need a Divorce Attorney
New Wisconsin Drunk Driving Law
Best Advice from Waukesha Attorneys
Wink Sentencing Delayed as Probe Continues
Wisconsin Attorney Gives Examples of How to Dismiss OWI
Wisconsin OWI Law Changes Could Include Sobriety Checkpoints
Waukesha Attorneys’ County Court Guide
What Are the Penalties for a Road Rage Incident with a Gun?
Could I Be Charged with a Felony for Custodial Interference?
What is Bail Jumping in Wisconsin?
My Spouse Says He Will Get Custody Because My House is Small
Candidate Running for Common Council Faces Stalking Allegations
How to Protect Your Family Business During Divorce
Drug Ring Investigation in Milwaukee Leads to 11 Arrests
Unexpected Ways Social Media Can Adversely Affect Your Divorce
Wisconsin Governor Announces New Crime Initiatives in 2025
How Digital Assets Can Complicate a Wisconsin Divorce
Are You A "Person of Interest" in a Wisconsin Crime?
How to Deal with a Juvenile OWI in Wisconsin
Personality, Motive, and Means in a High-Conflict Divorce
How Serious is a Fourth Wisconsin OWI?
Can You Keep Your Engagement and Wedding Ring in a WI Divorce?
Can I Seek Attorney Fees When My Spouse Causes Divorce Delays?
Do Disorderly Conduct Laws Violate Free Speech?
The Dangers of Listening to Divorce Advice from Social Media
What Do I Do If My Spouse Served Me with Divorce Papers in Wisconsin?
Can I Be Prosecuted for Something I Did Years Ago?
What if My Spouse Refuses to Participate in the Divorce?
Threats Escalate for Wisconsin’s Public Officials
Six-Month Mandatory Waiting Period for Remarriage Remains in WI
Treatment Alternatives and Diversion Dashboard Launched by DOJ | WI
Is Child Support Affected When a Parent Has Another Child?
How Are Wisconsin Cash Bail Reforms Progressing?
Stay-At-Home Parents and Wisconsin Divorce
Self-Defense and Deadly Force in Wisconsin
Why More Political Disagreements Are Leading to Divorce
Legal Liability Against Pornographic Deepfakes
Is It a Crime to Have Medication Without a Prescription?
Can I Relocate With My Child After a Wisconsin Divorce?
What Happens If I Buy Fireworks Without a Permit in Wisconsin?
3 Ways to Prepare for a High-Conflict Divorce
Can I Be Arrested for Playing Loud Music in Wisconsin?
Do I Have to Pay Taxes on Alimony and Child Support in Wisconsin?
Can My Child Choose Which Parent to Live With in Wisconsin?
When Is a Speeding Ticket Not Just a Speeding Ticket?
Dealing with False Accusations of Domestic Violence
Dissipation of Assets in Wisconsin
Is Birdnesting a Good Option for My Family?
Getting a Juvenile Criminal Record Expunged in Wisconsin
Can My Spouse Evict Me From Our Home in a Wisconsin Divorce?
What is Retail Theft and How Is It Punished in Wisconsin?
Will My Bipolar Diagnosis Cost Me Child Custody?
4 Things to Know if You Are Caught with Fentanyl in Wisconsin
Does Having a Prenuptial Agreement in Place Result in a Quicker Divorce in Wisconsin?
What You Need to Know About High-Asset Divorce in Wisconsin
Three Different Types of Criminal Fraud in Wisconsin
What You Need to Know About OWI Charges in Wisconsin
The 4 Different Options for Ending Your Marriage in Wisconsin
Habitual Traffic Offender Law in Wisconsin
Who is Spousal Maintenance For?
Understanding Wisconsin Disorderly Conduct Laws
Understanding Your Right to a Speedy Trial
How To Modify a Wisconsin Child Support Order
Shoplifting Can Lead to Criminal Felony Charges
When To Get a Postnuptial Agreement in Wisconsin
Defense Against Fraud Charges in Waukesha
Why Establishing Paternity is Beneficial in Wisconsin
What Not To Do During a Divorce
Theft Charge Defense Options in Wisconsin
Is Child Custody Guaranteed in Wisconsin?
Firearm Possession with A Prior Criminal Record
How to Collect Owed Child Support in Wisconsin
Arrested Under Suspicion of Domestic Abuse
How Property Division Works in a Wisconsin Divorce
The Difference Between OWI and DUI
My Ex is Withholding Child Visitation
What to Do When Facing Armed Robbery Charges in Wisconsin
What Should I Consider When Dating During a Divorce?
What is Theft by Fraud?
5 Ways to Protect Your Assets in a Wisconsin Divorce
Gun Crime Laws for First-Time Offenders in Wisconsin
What Can I Do if My Soon-to-be Ex Is Hiding Assets From Me?
What Happens If I Am Caught Drinking and Driving a Boat?
Understanding Marijuana Laws in Wisconsin
3 Types of Individual Property You Are Likely Entitled to in a Divorce
7 Types of White Collar Crimes Under Wisconsin Law
Divorcing a High-Conflict Spouse
What Not to Do When There is an Order of Protection Against You
When Can a Parent Get Sole Custody in Wisconsin?
Wisconsin Increases BUI Enforcement
Domestic Violence, Women, and Self-Defense
What Expenses Are Covered by Wisconsin Child Support Orders?
When Can a Person Be Charged With Drug Manufacturing in Wisconsin?
Am I Entitled to My Spouse’s Pension After a Wisconsin Divorce?
How Can I Get My License Back After a Wisconsin OWI Arrest?
Will I Be Required to Sell My Home During My Divorce?
When Can a Person Be Charged With Aggravated Battery in Wisconsin?
4 Issues That Can Make the Divorce Process More Difficult
Does Wisconsin Law Follow the “Castle Doctrine?”
Can Spousal Support Payments Be Modified After a Divorce?
When Can a Person Be Charged With Domestic Battery in Wisconsin?
Wisconsin Parenting Plans for Divorced Parents
When Can a Person Be Charged With Identity Theft in Wisconsin?
How Are Retirement Accounts and Pensions Divided in a Divorce?
What Are the Penalties for Marijuana Possession in Wisconsin?
How Can Child Support Orders Be Enforced in Wisconsin?
How Do Wisconsin’s Open Carry Laws Affect Weapons Charges?
How Will a Divorce Affect My Family Business?
Why You Should Never Speak to Police Without a Criminal Defense Lawyer
When Are Restrictions on Child Custody Appropriate?
When Can Drug Use Lead to OWI Charges in Wisconsin?
Read Our Top 10 Criminal Defense and Family Law Blogs for 2022
What You Need to Know About Spousal Support in a Wisconsin Divorce
Addressing Retail Theft Charges During the Holiday Season
What Are the Penalties of a Domestic Abuse Arrest in Wisconsin?
How Can a Guardian Ad Litem Affect a Wisconsin Child Custody Case?
5 Issues You May Need to Address in a High Net Worth Divorce
When Can Gun Possession Lead to Criminal Charges in Wisconsin?
How Can Dissipation of Assets Affect a Wisconsin Divorce?
How Do Breathalyzers and Field Sobriety Tests Affect OWI Arrests?
Can Child Support Be Modified if a Parent Loses Their Job?
The Differences Between Actual and Constructive Drug Possession in Wisconsin
Talking to Children About Divorce - How Much is Enough?
A Short Overview of Miranda Rights in Wisconsin Criminal Cases
What Is Parental Alienation and How Can It Impact Child Custody?
Can I Get Custody if My Ex is Abusing Our Child?
When Can a Minor Be Tried as an Adult in Wisconsin?
You Can Deal with Divorce in a Healthy Way - Here is How
Will I Go to Jail For a First Time OWI in Wisconsin?
Can I Defend Against a Theft Charge Even if I Was Caught Stealing?
Can I Fight Our Wisconsin Prenup?
How Long Do I Have to Sit in Jail Before My Trial?
Can I Keep My Inheritance in a Wisconsin Divorce?
Can I Get Arrested for Using a Fake I.D. at a Wisconsin Bar?
Do Not Neglect These 5 Asset Classes in Your Wisconsin Divorce
Does a Wisconsin Teenager Charged with a DUI Go to Jail?
Can I Ask a Judge to Terminate My Alimony Payments?
Traffic Offenses in Wisconsin That Could Land You in Jail
Signs Your Spouse May Be Hiding Money Before a Wisconsin Divorce
Is Marijuana Headed for Legalization in Wisconsin?
Common Ways That Children React to a Divorce
Restrictions on the Use of Firearms in Wisconsin
Can I Be Arrested For Acting Obnoxiously in Wisconsin?
What Factors Determine Spousal Support in Wisconsin?
Can You Get in Trouble For Drinking on Your Private Boat in Wisconsin?
Three Tips for Reducing Conflict in Your Waukesha Divorce
Five Signs You May Be Headed for a High-Conflict Divorce in Wisconsin
Are Battery and Assault the Same in Wisconsin?
Wisconsin Legislature Increases Consequences for Distributing Fentanyl
Could I Be Arrested for Switching Price Tags in Wisconsin?
Can I Fire My Wisconsin Divorce Attorney?
When Will a Wisconsin Court Terminate Parental Rights?
Three Facts about Child Support Calculations in Wisconsin
Is It Possible for an Unmarried Father to Have Shared Custody in Wisconsin?
Will a Drug Crime Conviction Mean I Go to Jail in Wisconsin?
Can Previous Convictions Affect My Criminal Sentence in Wisconsin?
Five Types of Electronic Identity Theft in Wisconsin
Can I Move If I Have Joint Custody of My Child in Wisconsin?
How Long Does a Divorce Take in Waukesha County?
What To Do If You Are Facing a Weapons Charge in Wisconsin
Modifying Child Support and How it is Done in Wisconsin
Understanding Domestic Violence Charges in Waukesha County
What to Know About Marijuana Laws in Waukesha, Wisconsin
How Is a 401(k) Divided in Divorce?
How Are Pensions Divided in a Divorce?
Establishing Paternity in Wisconsin
Does a Police Officer Need a Warrant to Search My Car?
What Are the Consequences for Violating a Protective Order?
Debt and Divorce: Will I Be Stuck with My Ex-Spouse’s Poor Decisions?
Alimony vs. Property Distribution; What You Should Know
What Happens After Being Charged with a Crime?
When Is an Ignition Interlock Device Required in a Wisconsin OWI Case?
5 Types of Assets to Address in a High Net Worth Divorce
What Is Wisconsin’s Habitual Traffic Offender Law?
Can Married Spouses Get a Legal Separation in Wisconsin?
Can I Receive Probation for a Drug Possession Charge in Wisconsin?
How Is Spousal Maintenance Determined in Wisconsin?
Does Wisconsin Have “Red Flag” Laws That Restrict Gun Ownership?
When Can a Parent Receive Sole Custody of Their Child in Wisconsin?
Is Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana Illegal in Wisconsin?
What Legal Options Do I Have If My Spouse Not Obeying Divorce Decree?
Will Backlog of State Crime Lab Affect the Right to a Speedy Trial?
Legal Options for Collecting Back Child Support in Wisconsin
Wisconsin Supreme Court: Incapacitated Driver Law Is Unconstitutional
Can You Get Parental Visitation with a History of Substance Abuse?
How to Improve Your Chances in a Contested Child Custody Case
Common Defenses Against Theft Charges in Wisconsin
Understanding Wisconsin’s Mandatory Arrest Policy for Domestic Abuse Suspects
Do Wisconsin Grandparents Have the Right to Request Visitation For Their Grandchildren?
When is Battery Charged as a Felony Crime in Wisconsin?
How Can A Divorce Affect My Retirement Plans in Wisconsin?
What Are the Penalties for a Theft Charge Conviction in Wisconsin?
Managing Your Finances During the Separation Period Before Your Divorce
Will I Go to Jail if I Am Convicted of Selling Marijuana in Wisconsin?
What Can I Do If My Ex Will Not Abide by Our Existing Parenting Plan?
How Are Underage OWI Charges Handled in Wisconsin?
Should I Hire a Forensic Accountant During My Wisconsin Divorce?
When Is Drunk Driving Charged as a Felony Crime in Wisconsin?
What Is the Role of a Guardian Ad Litem in a Wisconsin Divorce?
What Are the Penalties for Fleeing the Scene of a Crash in Wisconsin?
What Are the Consequences If I Am Convicted of Credit Card Fraud?
FAQs Surrounding Divorce in Wisconsin
Reinstating a Driver’s License After an OWI Suspension or Revocation
How to Know if Child Support in Your Divorce Is Not Fair and Equitable
When Can I Request a Modification to My Spousal Maintenance Order?
Will I Be Sentenced to Jail if Convicted of a Drug Crime in Wisconsin?
3 Mistakes to Avoid Making During a High Asset Divorce in Wisconsin
Understanding the Penalties for Violent Crime Convictions in Wisconsin
3 Strategies for Effective Co-Parenting in the New Year
Understanding Community Supervision in Wisconsin Criminal Cases
Coping With the Stresses of the Holidays During Your Wisconsin Divorce
How to Avoid a Wisconsin Drunk Driving Charge During the Holidays
Tips for Coping With the Stress of Your Wisconsin Divorce
Understanding Wisconsin Bail: How Does the System Work?
Can I Move With My Child After My Wisconsin Divorce?
ND Man Arrested in Connection With the Shootings of WI Police Officers
How to Protect Your Children from the Effects of Your Wisconsin Divorce
Who Can File a Domestic Abuse Restraining Order in Wisconsin?
3 Common Financial Mistakes to Avoid Making in Your Wisconsin Divorce
What Are the Consequences if a Minor Uses a Fake ID in Wisconsin?
When Can I Modify My Wisconsin Parenting Time Agreement?
What Factors Can Increase the Severity of My Criminal Sentence?
How Can I Protect My Credit During My Wisconsin Divorce?
Will I Still Be Able to Drive After My Wisconsin OWI Charge?
What Does a Parenting Plan Address in a Wisconsin Divorce?
What Are the Penalties for an OWI That Results in Injury or Death?
Recognizing Signs of Parental Alienation During a Wisconsin Divorce
What Are Wisconsin’s Firearm Possession and Carry Laws?
Is It Possible to Modify My Existing Wisconsin Child Support Order?
How Are Wisconsin OWI Charges Affected When a Minor is in the Vehicle?
What to Do if You Suspect Your Spouse Is Hiding Assets From You
Can My Child Be Tried As an Adult for Criminal Charges in Wisconsin?
How Is Child Custody Determined in Wisconsin Divorce Cases?
What Are the Consequences of Boating Under the Influence in Wisconsin?
What Are Wisconsin’s Retail Theft Laws and Their Penalties?
What Happens to the Marital Home in a Wisconsin Divorce?
A Simple Guide to Wisconsin Ignition Interlock Devices
4 Tips for Telling Your Children You Are Getting a Divorce
What Are the Penalties for Assault and Battery in Wisconsin?
4 Tips for Preparing Your Finances During Your Wisconsin Divorce
Will I Receive Spousal Maintenance After My Wisconsin Divorce?
What Are the Penalties for OWI When the Offender Is Under 21?
When Does Theft Become a Felony Charge in Wisconsin?
What Are the Consequences for Disorderly Conduct in Wisconsin?
How Is Child Support Calculated in Wisconsin?
Can I Refuse to Take a Breathalyzer Test During a Wisconsin OWI Stop?
Who Can Own and Possess Firearms and CCW Licenses in Wisconsin?
Top Tips for Creating a Wisconsin Parenting Plan
What Are the Penalties for OWI in Wisconsin?
Fight back against a holiday drunk driving charge
Set transportation plans for New Year's Eve now
Your drug charge case can be a turning point in your life
Find alternatives to drunk driving in Waukesha
Credit card fraud should not be part of your holiday plans
Sheboygan man hit with fifth intoxicated driving charge
Wisconsin man accused of meth crimes in Sawyer County
Mental illness sometimes contributes to violent crimes
What types of actions constitute vandalism?
Citizens are pushing back against anti-marijuana laws
Common-sense approaches to DUI defense
How can a criminal defense lawyer help me?
What's an implied consent DUI law?
What are the elements of a drug manufacturing charge?
Will past good deeds help in your criminal defense?
Madison men accused of drug and weapons-related crimes
4 women arrested on meth charges in Arcadia
Police arrest 4 in alleged drug and guns bust
Wisconsin gun law terminology: Terms you should know
What factors lead to a robbery conviction?
2 ways to defend against drunk driving charges
Do I have to submit to a Breathalyzer test?
2 Madison-area men arrested and charged with heroin crimes
What is auto-brewery syndrome?
What's the status of federal marijuana decriminalization?
Common household items could be considered drug paraphernalia
What are the benefits of plea bargaining?
Were you accused of vandalism?
38-year-old man arrested in Belvidere drug bust
Can you get a DUI if you're not moving?
Muskego mother gets 2-year prison sentence for drunk driving
2 common defense stories used by criminal defendants
Would self-driving cars solve the prevalence of drunk driving?
A routine traffic stop in Waukesha nets 2 drug arrests
First-offense penalties for operating while intoxicated
Where do common drugs fall under the federal drug schedules?
What happens during a field sobriety test?
Accused of shoplifting? Things to remember
Wisconsin alternative drug treatment programs
Are you too drunk to drive? Here's how to tell
Thse factors can affect the accuracy of a Breathalyzer test
False arrest at Starbucks draws protests
Can you get charged with drunk driving a lawn mower?
Have you considered these drunk driving defenses?
Are nunchucks illegal in Wisconsin?
New proposed legislation seeks a ban on assault weapons
Marijuana acceptance continues to rise in Wisconsin
State Patrol increases drug arrests in Wisconsin
How does a Breathalyzer test device work?
How to defend against a drug possession charge
Are firearms prohibited from federal property?
How do lawyers defend against drunk driving?
2 common ways to defend against a murder charge
Is there ever a time when drunk driving is legal?
Federal gun laws you should be familiar with
How do police determine if a driver is drunk?
How to defend yourself against a theft charge
Anyone can find him or herself arrested on narcotics charges
Facing a criminal charge? Pay attention to these factors
Was your breathalyzer test properly administered?
What are the most common gun crimes?
Surgeons want you to take fewer opioids
How do police officers determine drugged driving?
The very real dangers of fentanyl
Drunk driving scenarios
Impaired driving charges can stem from drugs of all sorts
23-year-old could spend years in jail if convicted of drug crimes
Man accused of criminal charges after high speed police chase
Weapons laws in Wisconsin: Facts you should know
What facts are necessary to prove a bribery charge?
Wisconsin gun laws: Machine gun regulations
Opioid addiction takes years to disappear
3 ways a false drunk driving arrest can happen
Drunk driving convictions and employment background checks
How to avoid getting arrested for drunk driving
Avoid drunk driving charges over Labor Day weekend
Could these less common DUI defenses apply to your case?
The concealed carry fashion show draws controversy
Theft defenses: What if I returned the stolen property?
Federal LSD drug laws and punishments
Interesting points about drunk driving in Wisconsin
Penalties and punishments for marijuana sale and cultivation
Distracted driving and impaired driving continue to be a problem
Woman accused of abusing her power of attorney privileges
Woman accused of drunk driving after crashing into a tent
Is the War on Drugs just modern Prohibition?
Which drug leads to the most arrests in Wisconsin?
Milwaukee man arrested and accused of heroin crimes
Drunk drivers no longer staying in jail for 12 hours
3 reasons a breath test may be wrong
Who can't own a gun in Wisconsin?
3 defenses against theft crimes
Oh, no! Cops are behind me — what should I do?
Were you charged with boating under the influence?
Common examples of vandalism
Bail: When there isnt any get-of-jail-free card
Sharing your prescription drugs at work is a bad idea
Were you arrested for boating under the influence?
In Wisconsin, you must begin fighting drug charges immediately
37-year-old mother allows her 8-year-old to drive
Did you get charged with a federal drug paraphernalia crime?
Why your Ignition Interlock Device is a friend, not an enemy
Were you accused of arson in Wisconsin?
Milwaukee man accused of 8th drunk driving offense
How To Deal With A Drunk Driving Charge In Waukesha, Wisconsin
Punishment for a felon in possession of a firearm conviction
What does the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act say?
Good news for drunk driving, bad news for distracted driving
When does assault turn into aggravated assault?
The extended costs of operating under the influence charges
Making sense of drug possession laws
An overview of organized retail crime
Wisconsin gets an award for use of ignition interlock devices
The extended costs of operating under the influence charges
Facing shoplifting charges
What kinds of addiction treatments are available?
Charged with drunk driving? You may have to go to DUI School
What are the penalties for fraudulent credit card use?
Adopting the Best Approach for Dealing with Weapons Crimes
The difference between petty theft and grand theft
Wisconsin could have new DUI laws soon
Was your DWI arrest legal?
Factors that may impact the severity of a DUI charge
Dealing with mortgage fraud charges
Consequences of a DUI conviction
Dealing with identity theft charges
Educators can be deeply impacted by a DUI conviction
What to do if you're charged with marijuana possession
How do attorneys deal with drug possession charges?
Drunk driving in America
Flawed drug tests lead to incrimination of innocent people
Why plead not guilty in an embezzlement case? P.1
Increasing use of facial recognition technology in law enforcement raises concerns, P.1
Increasing use of facial recognition technology in law enforcement raises concerns, P.2
Why plead not guilty in an embezzlement case? P.2
Federal regulators order reduction of opioid production amid abuse epidemic
Work with experienced attorney to take advantage of treatment options in criminal process
WalletHub analysis ranks states according to strictness in addressing DUI
Wisconsin ranks number 37 among the state on DUI strictness
Work with an experienced attorney to scrutinize law enforcement investigations, P.2
Work with an experienced attorney to scrutinize law enforcement investigations, P.1
When an ignition interlock device required in Wisconsin?
Map & Directions
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Ignition Interlock Devices becoming more common
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What Are the Penalties for a Road Rage Incident with a Gun?
Could I Be Charged with a Felony for Custodial Interference?
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Candidate Running for Common Council Faces Stalking Allegations