Wisconsin Increases BUI Enforcement
In the past week, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources announced that it will be initiating “Operation Dry Water,” a campaign to increase law enforcement presence in Wisconsin’s lakes and rivers during the Fourth of July Weekend. There will be more law enforcement officers present around the state’s waterways during a designated period of high enforcement. While the goal is for all laws related to safe boating practices to be better enforced, there will be a focus on BUI laws. This means that boaters in Wisconsin will be under increased law enforcement supervision. It is always important to obey boating safety laws, including those related to life vests and remaining sober when driving a boat. If you are arrested for BUI, it is important to take the situation very seriously. Boating may be fun, but your day can change quickly if you are arrested.
What to Know About Operation Dry Water
Boating while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is illegal in Wisconsin. While many enjoy bringing some beer or wine coolers along on their trip to the water, it is important that you remain sober if you will be the one driving the boat. Statistics show that a majority of boating-related deaths involve the use of alcohol, making BUI enforcement a high priority for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
From July 1-3, more officers will be present around Wisconsin’s waterways. There is often a spike in both BUI and DUI arrests and accidents around the holiday weekend. As the Fourth of July falls on a Tuesday, it is likely that many people will be celebrating the weekend before. Waterways are expected to be more crowded during this period due to the celebrations, which does increase the likelihood of an intoxicated boater causing an accident.
If you are arrested for BUI or DUI this weekend, it is important to contact an attorney as soon as possible. A BUI can lead to jail time, and may be a felony if anyone was injured or killed as a result of a drunk boating accident. This crime can carry more than a year in prison when it is charged as a felony.
Contact a Waukegan BUI Lawyer
Bucher, Wolff & Sonderhouse, LLP is experienced in helping people who have been arrested for BUI fight their charges. Our skilled team of Waukegan BUI attorneys will strive to minimize the impact this case will have on your life. To begin with a complimentary consultation, please contact us at 262-232-6699.