Drug Possession Defense Attorneys in Waukesha County

Brookfield Lawyers for Those Charged with Possession of Controlled Substances
A conviction on any type of drug possession charge in Wisconsin could potentially change the course of the rest of your life. The possession of a controlled substance or an illegal drug can be prosecuted as a felony, even if it is your first offense, and being convicted could leave you facing jail time and hefty fines, as well as a permanent criminal record.
At the Waukesha law firm of Bucher, Wolff & Sonderhouse, LLP, we take drug possession cases very seriously, and our skilled attorneys know what is at stake for you when you are facing drug-related charges. The attorneys at Bucher, Wolff & Sonderhouse, LLP have more than 40 years of combined criminal law experience. In addition, Attorney Peter Wolff is a former law enforcement officer with the City of Brookfield Police Department, where he worked undercover in many drug-related cases. We are prepared to put our background and experience to work in protecting your rights and your future.
Understanding Drug Schedules in Wisconsin
Under Wisconsin law, controlled substances are classified into five categories or "schedules" based on the recognized medicinal properties of the drug and the potential for abuse. Schedule I drugs, for example, are not recognized as having valid medical uses but have very high potential for abuse. They include THC (the psychoactive component of marijuana), heroin, PCP, LSD, and others. Schedule II drugs also have a high potential for abuse but do have recognized valid medical uses. These include cocaine, morphine, amphetamines, codeine, and methadone. Schedules III through V include drugs with decreasing potential for abuse.
Possession of a controlled substance that is on Schedule I or II is generally a Class I felony, punishable by up to $10,000 in fines and 3 ½ years in jail. However, Wisconsin law contains specific provisions for some of the most common illegal drugs. For example, the first conviction on charges of marijuana possession will result in jail time of up to six months, $1,000 in fines, or both. A second conviction would become a Class I felony. A first conviction on charges of possession of cocaine or methamphetamine carries up to $5,000 in fines and jail time of up to a year. A second offense is a Class I felony.
Muskego Counsel for Drug Crimes Defense
The severity of the charges and the penalties associated with a conviction for drug possession depend on the drug in question and the amount found by the police. In most drug possession cases, the drugs themselves are the bulk of the prosecution's physical evidence, and they are usually discovered during a search by law enforcement officers. During such a search, however, the police are not permitted to compromise or violate your Fourth Amendment rights to be free from unlawful searches and seizures. If the search is deemed unlawful, any evidence that was discovered during the search could be set aside by the court—possibly along with the charges against you.
Our team will conduct a thorough review of your case and develop a strategy for helping you to avoid a conviction. When appropriate, we will negotiate with prosecutors to get your charges reduced or to explore your options for diversion programs. However, we are fully equipped to advocate on your behalf at trial as well.
Call 262-232-6699 Today
For more information about our firm and how we can assist you in defending against drug possession charges in Wisconsin, contact our office. Call 262-232-6699 for a free consultation and case review. Our attorneys are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including weekends and holidays. We serve clients throughout southeastern Wisconsin, including the communities of Waukesha, Brookfield, New Berlin, Muskego, Pewaukee, Menomonee Falls, Delafield, Oconomowoc, Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, and Waukesha County.