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How to Avoid a Wisconsin Drunk Driving Charge During the Holidays

 Posted on December 08,2020 in OWI

Oconomowoc criminal defense attorney OWI

With temperatures dropping and snow beginning to fall, people across the country are getting their families and homes ready for the upcoming winter holidays. For many people, celebrating holidays often means going to social events where alcohol is present, but this can spell trouble for some. Drinking and driving is extremely dangerous and can even cause harm or death to others if you do not drink responsibly. This is why the state of Wisconsin, as well as all of the other 49 states,  have laws against consuming alcohol and then operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated (OWI). The holiday season is the most stressful time of year to be dealing with a drunk driving charge, so it is important that you avoid an arrest and criminal charge if you have been pulled over for OWI. 

Tips to Avoid an OWI Conviction in Wisconsin

Many people travel by car to visit family and friends over the Christmas holiday season and combined with increased alcohol use, this can (and has been shown to) produce a deadly situation. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), only about 29 percent of all traffic deaths typically involve alcohol, but during the Christmas Day period, approximately 37 percent of all traffic deaths can be attributed to alcohol involvement. When a death is involved in an OWI charge, consequences can become extremely serious, so avoiding an arrest is the best strategy to use. Here are a few tips if you are faced with this type of situation: 

  • Make sure you are polite and courteous to the officer who is pulling you over. Even though you may not be in the best mood, having an attitude or being combative with the officer will not get you anywhere and might just get you on the officer’s bad side.

  • Do not admit you were drinking, even if the officer asks you. Many times, an officer will ask you questions to attempt to gather as much evidence as possible to establish probable cause for an arrest. He or she may ask you something along the lines of, “How much have you had to drink tonight?” or, “Have you been drinking this evening?” Instead, inform the officer that you would rather not answer that question.

  • Find a different way to get home, other than driving. This is the simplest way to ensure that you are not pulled over and charged with an OWI. In today’s age, it is easier than ever to avoid drinking and driving, especially with the help of ridesharing services such as Uber and Lyft. 

Discuss Your Case With Our Waukesha County OWI Defense Attorney Today

Many will say that the holiday season is the most wonderful time of the year, but a damper is sure to be put on your spirits if you were charged and convicted with an OWI. At Bucher, Wolff & Sonderhouse, LLP, our team of dedicated attorneys is here to help you avoid a conviction at all costs. As a former Brookfield police detective, Attorney Peter Wolff has the knowledge and experience needed to protect your freedom. To schedule a time to speak with one of our skilled Waukesha, WI drunk driving defense lawyers, call our office today at 262-232-6699 to set up a free and confidential consultation.




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