Distracted driving and impaired driving continue to be a problem
Traffic deaths are rising in Wisconsin. Last month, 66 people died in car crashes, representing an increase by three from the same month last year. The increase in traffic deaths is particularly unfortunate considering the improvements in car safety and road safety over the years. Experts blame the increase in traffic deaths on distracted driving, impaired driving and failure to wear seat belts.
Due to the increase in traffic fatalities, Wisconsin police are making a stronger effort than ever to enforce intoxicated driving and distracted driving laws. That means that police are eager to pull over anyone who appears like he or she might be intoxicated behind the wheel. They will also pull over those who appear to be texting while driving or using their social media accounts while they're driving.
As a part of this process, Wisconsin will be participating in the annual Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign. This law enforcement campaign targets intoxicated drivers and it goes from mid-August to Labor Day.
If you're accused of intoxicated or distracted driving, you could face stiff legal consequences in the event of a conviction. If -- in addition to intoxicated driving or distracted driving charges -- an individual is also accused of causing a fatal or injurious collision, the punishments and risk of long-term jail time are even more severe in the event of a conviction. Due to the severe consequences, those accused of these crimes may want to seek an experienced criminal defense lawyer to represent them.
Source: wpr.org, "Distracted, Impaired Drivers Fueling Rise In Wisconsin Traffic Deaths," Aug. 02, 2017