3 Strategies for Effective Co-Parenting in the New Year
After the excitement of Christmas has settled and the year finally comes to a close, many people use this time to reflect on the past 365 days and how they can improve themselves. The majority of people end up going with the ever-popular New Year’s resolution, whose goals range widely, from living a healthier lifestyle to spending more time with family. For recently divorced or separated parents, the beginning of a new year is as good a time as any to make a commitment to be the best parent you can be. Making a plan and sticking to it can be an effective way to improve your co-parenting relationship with your child’s other parent. Here are a few strategies and tips for the New Year to help you and your co-parent work together, rather than against one another:
Keep your conversations focused around the children. One of the most difficult things to do after the divorce is to separate your feelings about the divorce from your attitude and behavior when it comes to co-parenting. Instead of focusing on the pain or negatives, stay focused on what matters -- your children. Remember, everything you do when it comes to co-parenting should be for your kids, with their best interests in mind.
Aim to improve communication with your co-parent. We could all use a little improvement and practice when it comes to the communication homefront every once in a while. One of the key aspects of successful co-parenting is simply finding a form and style of communication that suits you and your ex-spouse the best. There should always be an open line of communication between you and your co-parent, as the ultimate goal is peaceful and consistent communication.
Discuss important decisions with your co-parent. During your divorce, you had to submit a parenting plan to the court. This legal document contains information such as how you and your co-parent agreed to allocate parenting time among the two of you, as well as how you distributed decision-making responsibilities. Regardless of what your parenting plan says, people do not always follow through. Be sure to include your co-parent in all major decisions about your child, including those pertaining to medical care, educational opportunities, and other important topics.
Speak With Our Menomonee Falls Divorce Attorney
Making a New Year’s resolution at the beginning of a new year has been a tradition for many people. If you have recently gone through a divorce or separation, you know how difficult it can be to be an effective co-parent after the fact. At Bucher, Wolff & Sonderhouse, LLP, our knowledgeable Waukesha County divorce lawyers can help you through the divorce process and are here to help make the co-parenting process as smooth as possible. To schedule a free consultation, call our office today at 262-232-6699.