The Dangers of Listening to Divorce Advice from Social Media
Virtually everyone in America has at least dipped a toe into the social media waters. An individual may be on Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, or a variety of other sites. Many lawyers today advertise on social media, particularly TikTok, where you will find trendy videos of attorneys sharing their opinions on newsworthy events or even giving "free" legal advice.
If you are considering filing for divorce, you may have considered doing it on your own – with a little help from lawyers on social media and a few downloaded forms from the Internet. You can certainly save money by handling your divorce in this manner, but before you decide to go that route, it is important to understand why getting your legal divorce advice from social media is rarely a good idea.
In fact, when you choose to get your legal advice from social media, you may negatively impact your divorce in a variety of ways. While it may be fun or interesting to watch attorney videos on TikTok, remember – this is your life and your future. Speaking to an experienced Brookfield, WI divorce attorney can ensure you do not make missteps that are impossible to fix and can adversely affect many aspects of your divorce.
Beware – The Lawyer Giving Advice May or May Not Be an Actual Lawyer
It is ridiculously easy to pretend to be someone you are not on the Internet. While lawyers on TikTok may be actual credentialed lawyers who have completed their legal education and passed the bar, this cannot always be confirmed for a lawyer on social media. This means you could potentially follow advice that could negatively affect the outcome of your case,
Lawyers are bound by ethical obligations, including keeping any information shared with them by a client confidential. A strictly online lawyer may or may not uphold normal legal standards for attorneys, potentially leading to a breach of confidentiality.
Divorce Laws are Different in Every State
Just because you are watching a video of an attorney from your living room recliner does not mean that the attorney lives in your state – or is familiar with the divorce laws and regulations in your state. This leaves you essentially relying on unverified information that could result in problems with your divorce or significant delays. Every single divorce case is unique in some way. This includes your divorce. What applies in one divorce case may not apply in the least to your divorce.
Divorce Lawyers on the Internet are Constrained by Time and Word Counts
An Internet video is not the same as sitting in your lawyer’s office and discussing your divorce issues. Complex legal issues pertaining to divorce may be vastly oversimplified on the Internet, thanks to time limits and specific word counts. This oversimplification can leave out your precise divorce issues or can make them seem much less serious than they are. Divorce issues have outcomes that can literally affect the remainder of your life, whether financially or via decisions on child custody issues.
A Divorce Lawyer Giving Legal Advice on the Internet Cannot Be Held Responsible for a Poor Outcome
If you rely on downloaded divorce forms and advice from an online divorce lawyer, that lawyer cannot be held responsible if your divorce goes south. When you choose this route, there is no such thing as a legal code of ethics. Individuals on TikTok or other social media sites who dispense legal guidance often operate beyond the boundaries of accountability. Although social media offers entertainment and a certain type of "connection" for many, you should never rely on these sites for legal advice.
Contact a Waukesha County, WI Divorce Lawyer
Rather than depend on the Internet to guide you through the divorce process, it makes much more sense to depend on an experienced, highly skilled Waukesha, WI divorce attorney from Bucher, Wolff & Sonderhouse, LLP. When you choose our firm, you will have the convenience of a lawyer who is available seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Call 262-232-6699 to schedule your free consultation.