Dealing with identity theft charges
The act of obtaining someone's identity or personal information through deceptive means is considered as identity theft. In most identity theft cases, this information is used for personal financial gain. A person's personal and economic data can be used for your own benefit in several ways, and all states have statutes to protect their citizens against identity theft.
Information that is deemed personal includes social security number, credit card pin codes, credit history and internet passwords as well. Different means are often used to get this information. In some cases the information has been leaked through government organizations that have all this information. These days the internet has become a major part of our lives, and can be used to obtain sensitive information. Cyber crime is being readily used to facilitate identity theft because it is a lot safer as well.
The government has made several laws against identity theft offenders. It is considered a federal crime and being convicted of it could lead to hefty fines and several years in prison. However, the sentencing does depend upon the seriousness of the crime committed. In cases where the financial loss for the victim was considerable, there is a higher chance of a strict sentence.
Facing identity theft problem can be a severe problem because of its ramifications. Even if it feels like the crime you committed was not major, the consequences could leave a daunting effect on your future. It is advisable to hire an experienced defense attorney who can go through the evidence against you and get you exonerated.