What are the most common gun crimes?
Wisconsin is home to numerous weapons laws that every resident and visitor of the state must adhere to. For example, did you know that those who have been convicted of a felony may not possess a firearm? These and other restrictions could apply to you and your use of a firearm -- and you might not even know it. Therefore, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the various weapons crimes in Wisconsin so you can be sure to follow the law and avoid getting into legal trouble unnecessarily.
Here are some of the most common gun crimes the criminal court sees on a regular basis:
Carrying a gun or shotgun without having a permit
Wisconsin residents who carry a weapon openly, and those who carry a concealed weapon, will need to have the proper permitting to do so. Failure to have a permit could result in gun crimes charges.
Having a gun while you're intoxicated
Getting drunk on alcohol or other drugs can happen much sooner than you think it will. One minute you're perfectly sober, and the next minute you're drunk. If you happen to have a gun on your person at the time you become intoxicated, you could get in serious trouble with your local law enforcement officer.
Possessing a short-barreled shotgun
Commonly referred to as a sawed-off shotgun, possessing a short-barreled shotgun could result in an arrest.
Convicted felons with handguns
Felons cannot possess any firearm after conviction.
Committing another crime while possessing a gun
Possessing a gun while committing a robbery or committing other crimes will result in elevated charges and elevated penalties.
No Wisconsin resident will be convicted of a gun crime unless the prosecution is able to prove that he or she was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in court. Until that occurs, individuals accused of weapons crimes will have every right to defend themselves.
Source: Bucher, Wolff & Sonderhouse, LLP, "Weapons Charges," accessed Dec. 29, 2017