Woman accused of abusing her power of attorney privileges
A Wisconsin woman has been charged with six felony-level crimes relating to her duties as a man's power of attorney. Officials allege that she failed to pay a man's health care bills and instead, she used the money for her personal expenses.
The 59-year-old woman allegedly abused her power of attorney privileges to steal money from the man she was caring for. Police in New Glarus first received news of the alleged theft in August 2016. Green County Human Services notified them that the woman was allegedly stealing.
Prosecutors say that the woman was paying her utility bills and mortgage payments with the man's money instead of paying his health care bills. Prosecutors also say that she was purchasing personal items that didn't have anything to do with the services she provided to care for the man.
Police arrested the woman last Monday. She is facing three charges of theft in a business setting and three charges of identity theft. All are felony charges that could land her in jail if she is convicted.
When a Wisconsin resident is accused of a crime and newspapers report on the arrest, the public has yet to hear the entire story. Indeed, in this woman's case, we do not know her side of the story. However, she will have the opportunity defend herself against the charges in court. Perhaps she can successfully explain what happened and why she didn't do anything wrong.
If you have been accused of a theft crime in Wisconsin, you may want to contract the services of an experienced Wisconsin criminal defense lawyer. Your lawyer can help you defend against your charges to try to get your charges dismissed or dropped, obtain a verdict of not guilty or pursue a reduction in punishments if a conviction is likely.
Source: Channel3000, "Power of attorney charged with taking, using man's money for personal use," Aug. 21, 2017