Understanding Marijuana Laws in Wisconsin
Wisconsin is not among the many states that have legalized cannabis products for recreational use. Here, it remains a misdemeanor to even possess a small amount of cannabis. The only exception is that qualified patients may use low-THC, high CBD products. If you are not a registered patient, you could go to jail if you are caught with cannabis. While simple possession is generally a misdemeanor, other offenses involving cannabis may be far more serious. It is very easy to become involved in a situation where you are seen - and charged - as a distributor. If you are facing any type of criminal charge related to marijuana, it is important to take the situation seriously. You could be facing years in prison depending on the specific crime you are charged with. An attorney can help you begin planning your best possible defense strategy.
Wisconsin Laws for Possession of Cannabis
Simple possession is the least serious crime involving cannabis. Possessing any amount of marijuana or THC products is a misdemeanor punishable by up to 6 months in jail the first time you are caught. However, a repeat offense can be charged as a felony. If you are charged with felony possession, you could be facing up to 3.5 years in prison.
Understanding Distribution of Marijuana
Selling or distributing marijuana is a felony carrying up to 3.5 years in prison. People are very commonly arrested for distribution because they were the person in their friend group tasked with traveling to another state to stock up on THC products. Even if you do not accept money in exchange for the marijuana, you could still be charged with distribution.
Growing Marijuana Plants in Wisconsin
The cultivation of cannabis plants is strictly illegal in Wisconsin. If you are found to be growing even a single plant for personal use, you could face felony charges. The more plants you had, the more serious the charge is likely to be. A person running a sizeable grow operation may be sent to prison for many years.
Contact a Waukesha Marijuana Crimes Attorney
Bucher, Wolff & Sonderhouse, LLP is experienced in defending people who have been arrested on cannabis charges. Our dedicated Waukesha marijuana crime lawyers will do all we can to resolve your charges in a favorable way. To arrange your complimentary consultation, please call 262-232-6699.