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3 Ways to Prepare for a High-Conflict Divorce

 Posted on July 08,2024 in Divorce

Waukesha County, IL divorce attorneyNot all divorces involve high amounts of conflict. Although divorce is not a pleasant procedure, many couples are able to get through it smoothly and manage their emotions about the process. Up to 80 percent of couples transition to post-divorce life and find a degree of normalcy within the first two to three years.

Other divorces, however, are much more tumultuous. An estimated 20 percent of divorces in the United States are considered high-conflict. A high-conflict divorce is usually characterized as one that is exceedingly hostile, and some academic literature defines it as one that lasts longer than two years. Couples in a high-conflict divorce often:

  • Experience high degrees of anger

  • Exhibit high rates of distrust

  • Engage in excessive hostility

  • Fight drawn-out custody battles

  • Have difficulty communicating about caring for their children

  • Have unusually high rates of nonpayment of child support

High-conflict divorces also cause turmoil for the children involved, who must suffer through a lengthy and bitter war between their parents. If you suspect your spouse may be gearing up for a drawn-out battle, contact a Wisconsin high-conflict divorce attorney right away.

Here are three ways to prepare for a high-conflict divorce.

Request a Guardian Ad Litem

A guardian ad litem is an attorney who is certified to protect a child’s interests throughout a divorce. He or she is a neutral party and is appointed by the court. This may happen when a judge feels that the parents are not keeping their child’s well-being in focus, or if one of the parties requests that a guardian ad litem be appointed. A guardian ad litem, which is Latin for "guardian for the case," can be a measure of protection for your child throughout a high-conflict divorce.

Make Financial Preparations

Couples in a high-conflict divorce will often engage in heated court battles over the financial elements of the divorce process, such as alimony, child support, and property division. There will be forms to fill out and financial affidavits to sign, so it will help you to understand your financial situation.

You can quicken the process by knowing which assets belong to you and calculating your debts and expenses. Gather all the financial documents you can, such as bank statements, credit card statements, tax returns, and pay stubs, and give them to your attorney so he or she can help you prepare.

Contact a Waukesha County, WI High-Conflict Divorce Lawyer

Another important way to prepare for a high-conflict divorce is to hire an experienced Pewaukee, WI high-conflict divorce attorney. Knowing your rights is crucial in any divorce, especially one that is very contentious. At Bucher, Wolff & Sonderhouse, LLP, our attorneys are experienced in high-conflict divorce and we will protect your rights aggressively. Let us defend you throughout the divorce process and minimize conflict wherever possible. Call 262-232-6699 for a free consultation with a knowledgeable attorney today.

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