Divorcing a High-Conflict Spouse
If your spouse has a high-conflict personality type, you can reasonably expect that your divorce will involve a high level of conflict. When people choose to leave their high-conflict spouse, it is often a direct result of their high-conflict personality traits. People with this trait tend to be argumentative with those closest to them. Their marriages often involve an excessive amount of fighting. Some high-conflict spouses may even escalate conflict in the marriage to the point of abuse. Often, getting a divorce from a person who seems to thrive on conflict is a wise move. The emotional turmoil and lack of stability associated with these marriages can begin to negatively impact your mental health and your childrens’ mental health. It is important to know that divorcing a high-conflict spouse can be challenging. You will want to ensure that you are represented by an experienced attorney who understands high-conflict divorce.
Getting Divorced When Your Spouse Thrives on Conflict
Going through a high-conflict divorce can be stressful, but in the end, you may be free to live a far more peaceful life. Some tips you may find helpful include:
Prepare for contested divorce - A high-conflict spouse may refuse to meaningfully cooperate with mediation or negotiations. They may refuse to settle the divorce by agreement unless you agree to decidedly unfair terms. It is important to begin preparing to contest your divorce in court. Your attorney may want to begin collecting evidence promptly.
Communicate through attorneys - It is likely best if you only communicate with your spouse through your attorneys whenever possible. This reduces uncivil and antagonistic communications and may prevent your spouse from making largely baseless legal threats. Attorney-facilitated negotiation may be more effective than mediation.
Consider safety - Even if your spouse has never been physically violent towards you before, high-conflict personality types may escalate their behavior after learning that their spouse is divorcing them.
Care for your mental health - Being married to a high-conflict individual can lead to emotional difficulties like anxiety and low self-esteem or even PTSD. Seeking counseling for yourself may help.
High-conflict spouses often lead to high-conflict divorce. It is best to begin taking steps to prepare yourself both legally and personally.
Contact a Waukesha High Conflict Divorce Lawyer
If you are interested in getting divorced from your high-conflict spouse, Bucher, Wolff & Sonderhouse, LLP can help. Our experienced Waukesha high-conflict divorce attorneys will strive to make the divorce process as easy as possible for you. Contact us at 262-232-6699 for a free consultation.