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What is Bail Jumping in Wisconsin?

 Posted on March 06, 2025 in Criminal Law

WI defense lawyerRecently, a southeastern Wisconsin man who caused a collision in November and was subsequently charged with Homicide by Intoxicated Use of a Motor Vehicle failed to appear for his January court date. The Racine County Sheriff’s Office arrested the individual during an executed search warrant on February 24th.

The suspect fled, jumping multiple fences and causing the officers to pursue him on foot. He additionally faces charges of possession of cocaine, possession of THC, resisting or obstructing an officer, carrying a concealed knife, causing injury while under the influence, and three counts of Felony Bail Jumping.

If you find yourself charged with a criminal offense – including bail jumping - it is extremely important that you show up for any scheduled court dates. It can be extremely beneficial to speak to an experienced Oconomowoc, WI criminal defense attorney who can examine the evidence, facts, and circumstances surrounding your arrest and present the best defense available.

What Is Bail Jumping?

When a person is charged with a criminal offense, the court sets a specific bail amount and conditions for bail. A cash bond requires defendants to pay a certain amount of money to remain out of jail. This allows the defendant to continue to work and go about his or her life until the case goes to trial or a plea deal is reached. In every case, one of the requirements for bond is that the defendant commits no other crime while released on bond.

Another condition that is always in place is that the defendant must show up for any scheduled court appearance. Other conditions will depend on the underlying criminal charges and may include the following:

  • Prohibits the defendant’s use of drugs or alcohol
  • Releases the defendant into the custody of a supervising person or organization
  • Prohibits the defendant’s possession of a weapon
  • Prohibits contact by the defendant with the victim of the alleged crime
  • Prohibits the defendant leaving the state

If the defendant violates any of the conditions of the bond, he or she could face bail jumping charges. When the bond conditions are set for a felony case, then bail jumping can be charged as a felony. If the bond conditions are set for a misdemeanor offense, then bail jumping will be charged as a misdemeanor. To prove bail jumping, the State must show that the defendant intentionally failed to comply with the terms of bail.

What Are the Penalties for Bail Jumping?

Misdemeanor bail jumping can add an additional $10,000 in fines and nine months in jail to the sentence for the original charge. Felony bail jumping is a Class H felony, which can add an additional six years in prison and $10,000 in fines to the original sentence. Even in cases where you are found not guilty of the original charges, you can still be found guilty of bail jumping and sentenced to jail or prison.

Are There Any Valid Defenses to Bail Jumping?

There are few valid defenses to bail jumping. Even after showing up for the first court appearance, a defendant could be charged with bail jumping for missing a subsequent court appearance. Bail-jumping charges usually require the prosecution to prove that the defendant intentionally failed to appear, meaning he or she was aware of the court appearance.

If the defendant did not have proper notice of the court date, bail jumping cannot be charged. If the defendant happened to be ill or had a provable emergency with a family member, his or her attorney may be able to explain to the court that the bail jumping was not intentional.  

Speak to a Waukesha County, WI Criminal Defense Lawyer

If you have been charged with a serious criminal offense, your first step should be to hire a knowledgeable, highly skilled Waukesha, WI criminal defense attorney from Bucher, Wolff & Sonderhouse, LLP. As highly client-centered lawyers, we are available seven days a week, 24 hours a day, for your convenience. Call 262-232-6699 to schedule your free consultation to discuss your charges.

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