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Work with an experienced attorney to scrutinize law enforcement investigations, P.1

 Posted on September 16, 2016 in Criminal Defense

Combating drug trafficking and related crimes is a high priority for law enforcement officials at both the state and the federal level, and government spends significant resources every year to target drug offenders. Law enforcement officials are particularly keen to target operations that serve as hubs in the drug market, such as the Milwaukee-based group known as “Bless Team”.

The group, according to law enforcement has been connected to 22 drug overdoses and is suspected of daily involvement in criminal activity in the city of Milwaukee. A number of members of the group, whose videos can be watched on YouTube, have already been convicted of drug-related crimes, and more cases are in the works. These cases are possible in large part because of focused efforts to target the group.

Wisconsin’s High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA), which consists of 12 area police agencies, has put a particular focus on fighting the Bless Team, using a variety of tools to halt their activity. These tools include surveillance of the mobile houses vehicles with tinted windows used by the group, as well as informants who can provide details about the group’s operations.

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When an ignition interlock device required in Wisconsin?

 Posted on September 16, 2016 in OWI

Every year, thousands are injured in drunken driving accidents, and almost one out of three traffic deaths on American roads involve drunk driving. Wisconsin is no exception; in 2014 the Badger State saw nearly 2,700 injuries and 162 fatalities from alcohol related accidents.

To help reduce these frightening statistics, on July 1, 2010 Wisconsin Act 100 went into effect, which requires judges to order an Ignition Interlock Device (IID) in certain cases.

What is an ignition interlock device?

This is a device, similar to a breathalyzer, which is installed in the vehicle and measures the amount of alcohol in the driver's system. The driver must breathe into it, and if the alcohol level exceeds the pre-programmed amount, the device temporary locks the vehicle's ignition. The first fail results in the ignition being locked for a few minutes; each successive fail will disable the vehicle for a longer period. The data from each breath sample are sent to the institution that ordered the device.

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